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We met Luc at Toulon Port Pin Rolland during a thunderstorm where he single-handedly (and unbeknowst to us) carried all our luggage and our Berkel (no sailing without Berkel) on the Boat while we were having lunch. Luc was a great skipper – confident handling the boat (and us), polite and a good conversationalist.
Super séjour aux côtés de Luc ! Que de beaux souvenirs, des rires et des découvertes. Cela reste l’un de mes plus beaux voyages aux côtés d’une très belle personne !
Excellent control of the situation,
Perfect organization, in a contest of a real sense of protection and safety.
Un unforgettable cruise.
Bonjour, âgé de 15 ans, j’ai passé une semaine extraordinaire avec ma famille ! Des paysages magnifiques, un bateau très agréable et propre. Le skipper Luc était vraiment super, nous avons partagé de très bons moments avec lui. Je rêve d’une seule chose : y retourner !!!
We met Luc when we went to Porquerolles islands last summer. He was our skypper for one week. Since the beginning Luc was very polite and he took care of us and the boat, sailing safety and teaching us to appreciate nature. He helped us to create good environment in the crew. Everything was perfect!
Luc was our skipper for a beautiful cruise between the Côte d’Azur and the Porquerolles islands. Everything appeared under control from the beginning, starting from Luc’s attention at check-in of the catamaran. Young but already expert, he knew how to interact with the crew, explaining, teaching and having fun sailing with us! Really a nice cruise ! Luc, where are you taking us in 2024 ?
Une super semaine de voile avec Luc !
Nous avons navigué pendant 7 jours autour des îles du levant et il a su nous dénicher de super coins d’ancrage et de baignade ! Entre superbes paysage, concours de photo, observation de méduses et cours de voile, c’était un excellent séjour !
Merci beaucoup !
Last Summer I sailed with Bastide Yachting in France: the Lyon Gulf and Hyeres Islands.
Luc Bastide is a very expert skipper. He knows very well the secrets of sailing and he is also available to share his knowledge with the “crew”.
Besides, Luc is also a friendly and funny entertainer. Last but not least, Luc is a cheerful guitarist in the moonlight!!
Join him and his trips asap and enjoy!!

© 2024 · Bastide Yachting

Site réalisé par FC@Arkhanim

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